Love strum

To be able to roam around on a whim
Clouds and bird being the epitome of freedom
Always shaking my hand free of any restraint
To skip and dawdle and run

To do as I please with a mischievous grin
My eyes taunting and laughing at my mum
Telling her it’ll be okay and not to be so faint
To do nothing and everything and nothing and everything

To love someone to the brim
All the while knowing my adventures make him glum
A man of rules and constraint
To keep me safe and close and plum

To laugh at my fate of falling for such an antonym
All the while knowing my love has me strum
Yet always searching for his hand without taint
To love and to hold and to cherish

To tease him with my eyes as I skim
Clouds and birds being the epitome of freedom
Yet he being the colours, the strokes, the canvas to all I paint
To hold his hand as I skip and dawdle and run

3 responses

  1. Wow, Sleepy, fancy seeing you here. Suddenly out of nowhere and awesome poem. I love it. How are you doing?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Honestly Alastair, I lowkey love you. You’re so sweet. If wordpress was a person to me, it is you. But since I use this site so randomly and I assumed you’re probably a big shot by now I thought you wouldn’t notice me.
      But here you are, as amazing as ever.
      I’m okay, been busy with my house job (equivalent to foundation year). How are you? I hope you’re well and taking care of yourself

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m no bigshot. It has been a long time since I posted. You are one of the few people who I have set to come up the day you post so I can see it instantly. I always love coming here to read your stuff.

        I spend a lot of my time on Mixer – a streaming platform – trying to make people smile and keeping them happy. Not an easy feat in today’s environment.

        I hope you are staying safe

        Liked by 1 person

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