Tag Archives: Interest

Gohans adorable amused and perplexed expression

Teen Gohan

Open your eyes

See the world. Don’t just look, see with your eyes, mind and heart.~A.A.Jaspal

The Joy of uncovering the unknown

A glimpse of my work

Ok so I’m no programmer but my future goals demand that I know how to make a decent website myself. So with that in mind as well as the thought that it couldn’t really be that much harder than making a blog, I signed up to make our school’s literary societies web page. I was doing great according to me and it felt so good to be good at it. You know the feeling, when you’ve never done something before but you find out that you have an unexpected knack for it? Well that was the feeling.

It was ten times better when I found a way to connect to Google maps xD I felt like proper Einstein!

Moving on so here I was in my little bubble of happiness and then a dude with a really sharp needle comes and pops it by asking me if I know what html is. Lol I had no clue and it turns out I knew very little, but with the help of a friend we both learned most of the kinks in a day and improved the site greatly. My bubble was back! ^_^ And this time it’s here for keeps, hopefully that is.

We faced a problem with the background and the other Media Heads were toying around with the template so that we could customize the background as per our demand. After supplying the picture I went to check what they had done to site and in their doodles I noticed how they were planning on going about their business. But instead of them I did it and can you believe they never even noticed! It was actually pretty amusing. I mean come on stuff doesn’t fix itself. If neither of you guys did it obviously it was the other Head. Haha xD Anyway so that’s the story of my road to learning how to design websites.

Thrill and Suspense

Yes I’m talking about matches between Pakistan and India. Cricket matches between these two countries aren’t actually cricket matches for us, citizens, rather they are a war. A friendly war if such a thing exists and a war in which our heart and soul both watch each and every ball with desperation in our hearts and prayers on our lips. I’ve heard accounts of people having heart attacks while watching the said matches…….I used find that weird but now I can empathize. I could have one too if I was older and fatter…

So moving on, today was a T20 match of these two rivals and a match we’d all been waiting for. Pakistan was on a winning streak had won its last 26 matches consecutively though we all knew that didn’t mean this match couldn’t go wrong. Our countries team had a knack of getting over confident and careless, I’m honestly surprised they have a winning streak greater than 5. Anyhow the first two overs were awesome! Pakistan made 25-1 and it was looking great! Even the one out didn’t matter and the cheering Indians were like siblings. It’s a weird kinship. After that though it went downhill and my heart was in my mouth. The Indians didn’t look so nice anymore and I was (I’m ashamed to admit) yelling at our batsmen to get a grip and do something worthwhile……..I’d like to think my words were what got them moving but it could just as easily have been my uncle praying and yelling beside me. Pakistan started batting like they meant it. That attitude however lasted around 3 overs before Shoaib Malik got out and we continued our spiral streak downhill. We made a rubbish score of 129 for ALL OUT -.- Talk about bistee (dissing)…..It was our worst score in the history of ICC and I thought to myself “What the heck? They had to make the lamest score ever in a match against India?!” But I guess they tried their best.

India’s performance was so good it was depressing. 😛 Every four (and there were a lot) had me and my family groaning and muttering in frustration. On every ball we’d all literally be chanting ‘Out, out, out,out……’ It only worked twice.

Don’t get me wrong I like Indians, they’re our fellow Asians, our brothers (cause we were once one country) and our neighbours but thrashing them in cricket is essential. Most people don’t even watch cricket unless its  a match between Pakistan and India. Last year when it was Pakistan vs India in the semi finals my family and I bought Pakistani team uniforms with our names on as well as matching caps. I was literally tearing up when we lost. I know it sounds waaaayyyy to emotional and dramatic but its like United States against Russia and North Korea vs South Korea. It’s healthy competition and yeah we need sportsman spirit but that’s reserved for other countries 😛 haha joking joking. I admit India played good (or the match was rigged 😉 )

Can’t wait for the next match between India. Lol there was a particular moment in the match that had me laughing despite the tension of the situation. One of India’s fielders caught a ball that got a Pakistani out. When the guy caught the ball he turned around and said something to the crowd while wagging his finger. It was so hilarious xD Obviously the Pakistani fans were yelling at him to drop the ball. It’s a thing we both do. The Indian crowd yells at our fielders and we yell at their’s. Sounds extreme but kept within limits its just a playful teasing.Till the next time India! We’ll beat you yet!

Awkward~ Avatar

Beautiful Clouds

These are pictures from a MOVING car so forgive the lack in quality. I was going to visit some relatives and on the way I just loved the clouds in the sky so I had to take pictures.



Awesome cloud formations =D