Tag Archives: trees


I’m in love with the endless flowers I see everywhere in Japan.

On duty dawn

From my window of Gynaecology Unit 2, District Headquarters Hospital, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan, in the wee hours of the morning, in between patient CTGs.

Winter forest


Islamabad, Pakistan

I’ll just sit here- All majestic like


Clicks from the Morning bus #1

2014-04-11 07.32.30

So Fresh



That’s the first thing that came to mind when I saw this picture in my photography album. I wanted to post it to give a slight change to the winter pictures going around. This picture, like most I take, was from a moving vehicle with I think an iPad; though I usually use a phone.
Anyway this picture was taken from the motorway while travelling from Islamabad to Faisalabad, Pakistan.

Chairlift view

Check out the bark patterns

Bring on the logs

Flickering FireWhen there’s no gas or electricity you know it’s time to go back to the old times and huddle around a fire. The fire flickered so beautifully, it almost looked alive.

Some Rock

The erosion patterns are interesting.

The erosion patterns are interesting.

Birthday Morning

The clouds on my birthday were awesome 😀 Totally boosted my mood and gave my hope that the day wouldn’t be that bad considering I might not get to see my friends.

They were a good omen I guess, cause the day turned out to be pretty awesome. (the pictures were taken from a moving car)

Cloud patterns

This one is an old picture I took from my iPad this summer when I went to Multan, Pakistan.

More Clouds

True, I post tonnes of cloud pictures, but what can I do? It’s their fault. They always look so breathtaking. 

Inside joke




Mango Orchard



These pictures were taken ages ago but I never had the time to post them before now. These were taken in a mango orchard near Multan a city in Punjab, Pakistan. It was really beautiful and we had lots of fun there with our cousins. Everywhere you looked the trees were drooping with mangoes. They were green and later we were told that when you take the mangoes off the trees they’re initially green, then they’re put into boxes with a special chemical which after a few days ripens them and turns them yellow.

We went in June and since Pakistan is pretty close to the Equator the temperature was pretty high. BUT the trees provided so much shelter that the sunlight hardly touched us. It wasn’t even that hot until we left the orchard……So basically if you want a cool back garden, plant trees! Lol though you probably already know that.



I took this picture from a moving car when me and my family went to Murree,Pakistan to cool down from the heat in the lowlands during summer of 2010.