Tag Archives: new year

Happy New Year Everyone!

Happy New Solar Year guys! I hope 2013 brings you joy and happiness, that your dreams come true and that the year exceeds all your expectations!

Know that the first step to fulfilling your dreams is by believing they are possible, every crazy twisted dream is possible. Make them your goals and work towards them, everyday, bit by bit.~A.A.Jaspal.

A new year, a new age.

Its almost 2013! No idea why but I’m pretty excited about the new year. Maybe it’s the general ‘newness’ about it makes you feel like you can do anything. That you can have a clean slate and try things you haven’t already done. That anything is possible if you set your mind to it. True that’s the case on a daily basis, you can try new things and everything. But a new year is like a new notebook. No matter how much you’ve abused your old ones or how messy they are, when you get a new notebook, you vow to be neater and make sure it stays new. A new year would be nice, it puts things in perspective.

Night before the first day of the last year of college

Excited.This may or may not be how you feel the night or even day before the first day of school after a long and pretty great summer vacation but I’m pumped. I look forward to seeing all my friends again,to actually have something meaningful to do during the time I’m normally sleeping, to start planning and working on projects and to start getting on with my last year of college! Next year its university for me! InshAllah ( if God wills)

I can pretty much predict most of whats gonna happen tommorow…… I’m gonna go to school and be pretty early so I’m gonna sit in the common room with a book (presently reading ‘The host’ by Stephanie Meyer) and wait. After a while people will start to come and ask how my holidays went and congratulate me on my grades. My friends will most probably be the last ones to get to school and then the fun will start 😀 My friends are awesome! You just CAN’T be bored with them around and we always have plenty to talk about. During every period in the day my classmates will try and get the teacher to give us a free lesson cause its the first day, and they won’t get it 😛 The day goes on……I look after my cousins who are new to the school…..kids come up to me and ask about the cricket matches and make other demands, or they might leave that for day 2 or even 3. Might not sound good to you but I’m pretty sure its going to be fun! This is just what i expect. With my friends there its going to be awesome!The one of the things I’m dreading is the praise I MIGHT get for my marks,hopefully people are over it *fingers crossed*……Its so awkward. They think I’m smart but I’m not, and the reason I don’t want people to think I’m smart is that then they’ll start expecting stuff from me. Not good.

The very worst part is that 2 of my best friends (out of our group of  5) aren’t gonna be there…… One of them shifted to America and the other shifted to Saudi Arabia….Those idiots……I wish they were here