Tag Archives: lahore grammar school

Dwelling on times past

Just UsWe were all meant to be
Five people so different
Yet so complete

There was an understanding
An agreement between hearts
That was so secure,full of trust

School was a hangout
Everyday an adventure
Where missing out on one day
Was pure torture

Talking, as easy as breathing
Laughing as effortless as blinking
Always knowing you weren’t being judged

A sense of freedom and confidence
A pack that was invincible
We didn’t need the world

Too good to last
Time caught up with us
Tearing us apart
Throwing reality in our faces

Looking back on it all
The times feel too good to be real
A dream way too surreal




The website’s live!

Oh yeah! The Grammarians website is finally live! It feels so good! Like I’ve accomplished so much! True I had help but that doesn’t make it less AWESOME!

Our media team is the most organized and focused. We should totally get an award like my co-head keeps saying =P I’m writing all this stuff cause I need to get it out of my system. It was bottled up for like half an hour before I was like ‘heck what’s the blog for?’ Might as well get some writing done and get the excitement out at the same time. Though the excitement won’t go I think 😀 I don’t really want it to anyway.

To all those reading this! Make a website and feel great. It works! xD

It feels like anything can be done. Plus I got some practice on how to make a website so now it won’t be s hard when I want to do it in the future for my business. But I still need to learn how to optimize the SEO and other stuff cause my co-heads did all the work in that department…..Oh well they might help me then too….maybe.

Oh well the website’s live people!

If you want to check it out, here’s the link. Enjoy!


The Joy of uncovering the unknown

A glimpse of my work

Ok so I’m no programmer but my future goals demand that I know how to make a decent website myself. So with that in mind as well as the thought that it couldn’t really be that much harder than making a blog, I signed up to make our school’s literary societies web page. I was doing great according to me and it felt so good to be good at it. You know the feeling, when you’ve never done something before but you find out that you have an unexpected knack for it? Well that was the feeling.

It was ten times better when I found a way to connect to Google maps xD I felt like proper Einstein!

Moving on so here I was in my little bubble of happiness and then a dude with a really sharp needle comes and pops it by asking me if I know what html is. Lol I had no clue and it turns out I knew very little, but with the help of a friend we both learned most of the kinks in a day and improved the site greatly. My bubble was back! ^_^ And this time it’s here for keeps, hopefully that is.

We faced a problem with the background and the other Media Heads were toying around with the template so that we could customize the background as per our demand. After supplying the picture I went to check what they had done to site and in their doodles I noticed how they were planning on going about their business. But instead of them I did it and can you believe they never even noticed! It was actually pretty amusing. I mean come on stuff doesn’t fix itself. If neither of you guys did it obviously it was the other Head. Haha xD Anyway so that’s the story of my road to learning how to design websites.